Life is what you make of it. You can sit around and wait for tomorrow, or you can start living in today.

Tuesday, March 25, 2008

Easter at the Larsen's

So, Easter was so fun this year. I didn't really make any plans, after the fact of wrestling eggs out of the other shoppers hands, so I was glad when Grandma Larsen called and suggested coloring the eggs at her house after the town Easter Egg Hunt. It was a blast! The kids really didn't stay at the coloring for very long, but I had a blast checking out all the newest coloring techniques with Aunt Brooke and Grandma. Kodie even found new ways to use the little stickers that were included in the box.
After we colored all the eggs, we jetted to Wal-mart to see the Easter Bunny. Kaden was fine with sitting by him for pictures, but Mckay didn't want anything to do with it. So, of course, being the great mother that I am, I forced him to sit next to the giant pink bunny by holding him on my lap. Oh, what great childhood memories I am instilling in my kids!!??
Then we went down to the farm and hid the 5 dozen colorful eggs in every nook and cranny that we could find, including all over the "Easter Egg Tractor". It was really fun to watch the anticipation on the kids faces as we opened the door. During the hunt, Kaden was told to back off and let the "little kids" have a chance to get some eggs, so he went around the farm right in front of the "little kids" and hid eggs out of his basket so they would get more. I have such good kids. He was so thoughtful. He even went over to his brothers basket and noticed that he didn't have very many either, and he gave him some of his as well. It's amazing how greedy you can get over a $2.00 pack of hard boiled eggs when all those colors and sparkles are all over them. It was so fun to color them and hide them, but it was even funner to watch them find them and eat them.
After we had an overd
ose of boiled eggs and candy, we decided to burn a hot dog (literally, that's the way we like them) and have lunch. It was fun to sit around and make memories with family. I think it's a waste of a day if no memories are being made.
The next day we went to Payson to see Uncle Paul(Barton) be ordained Bishop of the Payson Mountain View 3rd Ward. It was neat to see him given this honor. He is so personable and talkative that he will do great with this. Then we went back to Grandma Ross' house for more food. It was so great to be surrounded with family. I totally get why I have such a problem with food. It seems that the best times, the most comfortable time is with family and food. Mckay did have a little challenge with his behavior while we were there though. I made the mistake of leaving my Cadbury mini eggs out on the cupboard and he decided to eat half the bag. We took him off dairy for his behavior just to see if it would help. The change was so immediately apparent that we decided to keep him off for a while. I totally dropped the ball with this one! Then to add insult upon injury, we gave him Benadryl for his allergies right before we left! Big mistake, Huge! He was jittery and detached until we got some food in to him. It was pretty fun (not really) to "show" how well he has been doing lately. I'm just glad that I have a very understanding family that backs our decisions in life, no matter how crazy they sound.
Our next adventure on our quest to find a memory will be to go and visit family up North, and on the way, I think that we will either stop at the Aquarium, or to Hogle Zoo just for fun. We'll see I guess. After all, that's what life is all about, right??!!


Karen said...

I'm so glad you had fun on Easter! The kids looked like it was great,too! I'm glad that you blogged again, I think I posted to you three times on the last one... I bet you get tired of me. Any way, it will be fun seeing you on the weekend. I hope the weather co-operates with us and we can be outside more. Hugs and loves!

Macie's Momma said...

are you comming down this weekend?? I would love to see you! Miss ya Stace

Karen said...

Would you like some photos from the party, or did you take some there, too? Most of mine turned out blurry because they were moving so much. It was nice having you here, the boys are so cute and they were so good! Have a wonderful day!

Allyson said...

I lived! I loved reading about your Easter. Please call if you come down this weekend. I need cousin TIME!

kino said...

You always make my day, I just love reading your blogs,get on mine and see what I have been doing, we had a german girl stay with us for 3 weeks, and I cried really hard when she left. she is in our hearts forever. it was a great experience. keep up the good mothering, you are great at it. I love you, hope to see you soon.