Life is what you make of it. You can sit around and wait for tomorrow, or you can start living in today.

Monday, March 30, 2009

what's the 411

So, does anybody know how to start planting onions and potatoes under all this snow? I heard that we were supposed to get them in the ground last week! It's not like we have the shortest growing season in the world, but we're a close second. I always get so frustrated with it all. I put in all this time to till,(thanks Jason), to weed, and to plant, and I don't get much return for my investment. Granted, we chose to leave town at a crucial time last year, and didn't get the weeds taken care of. Then when we got back they were too crazy to deal with properly, so we just had a enormous weed crop! Why do they always have ample time to grow to maturity and my vegetables don't? Dumb weeds!
O.k., onto a lighter note, Kaden and Mckay are both playing soccer again this year. You know, it's funny but we usually let them both play every other year. I get so frustrated with them not wanting to play one year, that I make them skip the next. Then when the year after that arrives, I forget how aggravating it truly was, and sign them up again! Why do we put ourselves in these kinds of situations, and then keep on repeating them over and over again??!! Oh, well, I guess we're exposing them to a lot of different options in life. Who knows, after a while maybe something will stick.


Karen said...

Cute photo of the boys!!! I think it's great that you are having a garden. We haven't even thought about getting ours ready, too much snow and cold still! have a great one1 Love you!

Ashli Paynter said...

That's so funny. My mom always told me to pick one sport to play for the year, and the next thing I knew I was playing like 6. She always complains about the same thing! lol I am sure I will be the same way.

Ashley said...

I am determined to get my peas in this weekend. I suppose I am a week behind also. I have just loved having a garden. We look forward to it almost as much as summer. Stay on the weeds while they are small is my advise.
The only experience I have with potatoes and onions is when I was a little kid. I can remember digging them up, and they were planted in tires, so we could find them more easily.
Good luck with soccer. Hopefully it is a fun experience for them and you this year.