So, I don't know if anyone else has an addiction that pertains to warm weather and no snow, but I do. I have been waiting all winter for the weather to be warm enough to ride my Harley outside of Ephraim and Saturday was looking promising. We recruited five or so other people and planned our great escape for 11:00 Saturday morning. We didn't even get to the next town and it started to snow!! So not fun!!! When is it going to get warm? We still rode, because we're all a little crazy and we were still 20 minutes away from home.
Then, to make ma

tters worse, I wake up this morning to, you guessed it, MORE SNOW!!! People, stop praying for moisture already!...well, for at least a couple of weeks. I guess when the hot summer days greet us, we will just complain about how hot it is, and wish for a little less hot and a little more cold. It's just a part of a bigger plan, and we should be happy to have the climate that we do..... Nope, it's still not convincing me! I'm still sick of the snow. It's been a long cold winter, and I'm ready for the warm sun and the open road!!