It seems like yesterday. I was working at Charlie's drive-in and this really nice, fun guy would come in everyday for the lunch rush. I didn't pay much attention because he didn't say much. He always had dirt and grease on his face and clothes because he knew how to work hard. He scared me a lot the first time I met him! I wanted my friend to run him over if that's what it took to get away! (It was dark up on the mountain and I was scared anyway!)
It was Christmas break and I wanted to show my friend Rachelle some of my friends, so we went over to the "pink house" to see who was available to play cards or go to the movies. Jason and Brandon were sitting at the kitchen table, getting all spiffied up for a "night on the town". He was clean!! He wasn't in the middle of a work day!! He looked good!!
They decided to go with us for the evening. Jason tried to dunk my 4 year old sister's head in the snow! ( She's on a mission now...woah, I'm getting old!!) He was so nice. Was it possible??
After getting blown off during Christmas break at my Mom's, I came back to school with a new attitude. Could that be the reason? My heart was finally free?
I had to go and pick up my "little buddy" for a class that I was taking, and I was scared to go to the "little Tijuana" trailer park to pick him up. I stopped by to see if Jason would go with me to get him. He said yes. That's when I fell in love!! He dropped all he was doing just to help me. He was so giving and selfless.
He took me on a date to the battle of the bulls in Salina, Utah with his little sister in tow. I was impressed. He was the peace maker. He is the oldest. He was the protector.
We watched the bulls. We danced the dance. He kissed me on the cheek and said that I looked really nice. The rest is history.
I fell head over heels for this really nice, fun guy that used to hang out at Charlie's Drive in!
I'm so lucky that I found him, and that he had the time to find me.