Our Christmas came and went so quickly this year. I look forward to this every year and every year it happens the same way! I get too into getting everything finished that I forget to slow down and enjoy it. I did enjoy the holidays, don't get me wrong, but I could have done a little less and it would have meant a little more.
Christmas eve we had breakfast at our house. I always love this. I love that we can be together as a family and share traditions with each other. We had pancakes, sausages, eggs, hash browns, and cinnamon rolls, thanks to one of Grandma's traditions.

After breakfast we decorated gingerbread houses and ate all the candy that came with the kit.

Then we started to make cookies for Santa, but it was getting late, so the boys opened their Christmas Eve Present and everyone left to get ready for bed. Kaden politely replied that he hoped that his present wasn't pajamas this year, and then I replied that we needed to look nice when Santa came to visit or he wouldn't leave any presents. He was o.k. with new pajamas after that.

Christmas morning was a little weird. I waited and waited for the boys to wake up! After about 8:00 I decided to go and wake them up, and of course Mckay said that he needed "just 10 more minutes." How crazy is that? When I was a kid we were up every half hour starting at 4. My dad would just laugh and say, "go back to bed!"
They got spoiled again this year, go figure! They each got a crayola video camera/camera so they can take pictures when we go to Florida in February. They also got a ton of character shirts, books, air hogs helicopter(that broke 10 minutes later) and pixos( little annoying glue dots that when wet, stick to everything!)
They got a leapster 2 from Grandma and Grandpa Larsen, which I recommend to everyone with kids, and they got a ben ten alien creation chamber from Grandma and Grandpa Christensen, which again, they have had a blast with.
It was so fun that we got to spend time with all our family this Christmas. We are so blessed to have family and friends surrounding us. The quality of life would be sad if we didn't have people to share it with.